INTECH Boiler : Internal Furnace Top Feed Husk Fired Boiler

Product Introduction

INTECH Boiler : Internal Furnace Top Feed Husk Fired Boiler

The Internal Furnace Top Feed Husk Fired Boiler is said to be because of its unique automatic fuel feeding from the top of the Internal Furnace boiler. Until now, automatic feeding was only possible in the case of an external furnace where the furnace was not a part of the boiler.

The Rice husk is fed into a hopper placed above the ducting, connecting the boiler at one end and the Forced Draft Fan at the other. High-pressure air is sent from the fan via ducting. A damper is provided to manually regulate the flow. Just below a hopper, a low-pressure zone is created by high-velocity air which is responsible for pulling the rice husk into the ducting.

The rice husk is then lifted to the top of the shell by high-pressure air and fed into a furnace via a small channel. This is how rice husk is fed into a boiler furnace mechanically. Fuel feeding is controlled by the airflow via a forced draught fan, and the fuel is controlled by the steam capacity required.

Salient Features

Operating Range

Technical Advantages of Internal Furnace Top Feed Husk Fired Boiler-

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