THERMAIR- Hot Air Generator (Oil & Gas Fired)
Thermal Capacity : 50,000 kcal - 30 lac kcal/hr
Available Fuel Options : Diesel, Petrol, Light oil, Heavy oil, Crude oil, LPG, CNG, Natural Gas etc.
Application : Industrial use
Product Introduction
Hot Air Generator, Thermair, consists of a shell and tube type heat exchanger which is duly insulated to prevent radiation losses.
THERMODYNE ENGINEERING SYSTEMS, manufactures two different types of Hot Air Generator depending upon the required capacity.
Smaller capacity Hot Air Generators-Thermair are a smoke tube type design in which flue gases flow in the tubes while Hot Air flows over the combustion chamber and smoke tubes.
Large capacity Hot Air Generator-Thermair is an air tube type design in which air flows in the tubes while flue gases flow over the tubes.
The ventilation blower fitted alongside blows fresh air over the combustion chamber and the set of smoke tubes. In oil-fired or gas-fired options, an imported mono-block type fully automatic burner is provided for combustion of fuel.
Unique Structural Design
Manufacturing both internal and external furnace hot air generators to meet the various types of fuel availability in a given area.
Designed with high precautions such as safety valve is provided at the top of a shell so that shell pressure does not exceed its design pressure.
Safety & Security
Regular ongoing inspection and testing program carried out by our well-trained staff of technicians results in safety of operations.
Less Fuel Consumption
Multiple flue gas passes ensure optimum performance, resulting in low operating costs for Hot Air Generators.
To keep the boiler body temperature below 45°C and minimise heat loss, high-quality aluminium silicate fibre is combined with fire clay insulation.
Advantages of our THERMAIR model.
Clean and Controlled hot air available.
Trouble FREE Operation.
Outside the purview of IBR.
High System Efficiency.
Minimum site work & Ease of installation.
Can operate on the variety of fuels as per local availability.
Need More Information
Contact us for more details about our boilers, installations and services.